It has been very time consuming to get the fit of the cowling trimmed for final position. Thanks to Scott I was able to purchase a pre-made cowling for my project which saved me a great deal of work. The cowling fits very well and will require me to build up my flanges in a few areas to get the cowl to meet the fuselage perfect. There are also two areas I will have to build up the cowling aft upper edges to meet my fuselage correctly. Trim fit trim fit trim fit, 30 some times before I got it to where it fit best.
September 29/17
The constant speed propeller has been mounted to the engine with great assistance from my hangar neighbor. Alan had a Whirlwind propeller on his past RV6 and was very helpful in getting my spinner and prop temporarily mounted. Not having worked on the install of a CS prop I was grateful for the teaching course. I am now slowly working on trimming the lower cowling to fit the airframe.

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