Vision prototype photo

Vision prototype photo
This is the Vision prototype designed/built by Steve Rahm in USA. and still being supported by Pro Composites Ltd. in USA. The aircraft is a 2 seat side by side, scratch built from a series of manuals. Built entirely of fiberglass and carbon cloth material the builder needs to know or learn some of the easy basics of composite construction. Building began Feb. 1998 in my spare time with 7 years where no building was possible. Building Hours at February 28, 2022: 4248.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some short videos of flights are at:

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Install of a backup Airspeed Indicator and Installation of One way Fuel tank Air vent valves at wing tips.

 March 22 2023

Addition of the backup airspeed indicator is  installed in the panel.  Reasoning for this is in case of the very rare possibility of the main screen going dark.  The glass panel screen has a backup battery which will keep the screen on for 1 hour should ship power be lost.  The backup airspeed indicator would give me airspeed should my main screen be lost during flight.  Landing approach speeds would be readable for a safe landing.

Addition of the One Way fuel tank air vent photo into the wing tips(left side is the same). Below is the right wing tip with the fiberglass  tip sitting on top of the wing.  The blue colored one way air vent is to allow the air to pass freely into the fuel tank but if fuel were to slosh out as far as the vent tube the one way valve will stop it going overboard.  The fuel tank interior has many ribs and anti slosh hinges installed inside the tank minimizing the sloshing of fuel.  The blue foam on the one way valve is now wrapped completely around the valve so there cannot be any metal contact to electrical connections in the wing tip.