Vision prototype photo

Vision prototype photo
This is the Vision prototype designed/built by Steve Rahm in USA. and still being supported by Pro Composites Ltd. in USA. The aircraft is a 2 seat side by side, scratch built from a series of manuals. Built entirely of fiberglass and carbon cloth material the builder needs to know or learn some of the easy basics of composite construction. Building began Feb. 1998 in my spare time with 7 years where no building was possible. Building Hours at February 28, 2022: 4248.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some short videos of flights are at:

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

First Flight (Initial Test Results)

 August 31 2022

Some findings after my first flight.  

The airplane flew well and the engine performed very well.  There were some minor issues that presented and will have to be addressed prior to a subsequent flight.

1. After 2 hours of flight slowly decreasing oil pressure presented but cylinder temperatures remained in the green as did the oil temperature.

 Details:  The belly of the airplane was covered in oil which had escaped from the oil separator can overboard exit point.  Three and a half quarts of oil was lost in 2 hours of flight.  This appears to have been because I have the exit tube hanging below the lower engine cowling by 3 inches.  This resulted in  sucking oil out of the low drain back return tube from the engine case.  I have changed the oil exit tube to be only 3/4 inch below the belly skin which is still 2 inches above the lower engine cowling rear lip.    This might have compounded the negative pressure in the tube because it was hanging to low.  I have taken the oil separator completely out of the vent line circuit for now in case it was causing some sort of venturi effect within it's interior.  Now the vent line rises 2" as it exits the engine and drops down to the exit point 3/4 inch below the belly skin. 

2. Bad landing with low left wing caused bending of the pitot tube as it touched the pavement on exiting runway.

 Details:  The pitot tube was bent back into shape and it tested working fine.  A bit of liquid metal was used to cover up the scrape marks and was then filed smooth and surface painted.  The under side of the wing was damaged at this location and the pitot tube mounting nuts had to be lined up and re-bonded.  The skin was punched in a bit and was repaired and resurfaced smooth.

3. Rudder pedal vertical tubes need reinforcing with gussets.

Details:  During my landing and exiting of the runway into the grass my tail wheel went into full swivel turning me left.  I hammered on the right rudder pedal trying to arrest the left turn and partially broke the right rudder pedal.  This again was my mistake as my only steering option at this point would have been to use right brake to arrest the turning.  I have since seen a Service Letter that VANS aircraft had issued to it's owners to re-enforce the rudder pedal vertical tubes with a gusset.  This I have done, as I believe it is a good safety upgrade.

4. Aircraft is flying in a slightly nose heavy attitude with full nose up trim set.  During the test flight I had to hold very slight back pressure on the stick throughout the flight. 

Details:  I am going to add more weight to the elevator counterweight because I found it to be under balanced after installation.  I am also modifying my tailspring by making it longer and with a little more bend.  This will add a bit of weight to the tail and raise the tail for a bit better forward visibility.  If more weight should be needed I have designed it so I can can bolt a piece of lead directly onto the tailspring.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

First Test Flight

 August 10 2022

Today was the big day for getting the first flight completed.  The object of the flight today is to break in the Lycoming engine as per the Lycoming recommendation for a totally rebuilt engine which was not run in at a shop after rebuild.  The run in of the engine is supposed to be 2 hours of flight at 2450 rpm and leaned properly for the conditions.  During the second hour the rpm's can be varied from 2350 through to 2550 for seating of the rings to the cylinder walls.  Of course this was only if the airframe would fly as expected.  Weather conditions were just perfect with clear skies and no wind.  At 10:00 in the morning I was airborne and completed racetrack pattern flights 1.0 miles (minimum) from the active runway at my local airport.  Temperature was 20 C and flight altitude was at 6500 feet.  

Here is some additional information for those that are building this "Vision" experimental aircraft.  My engine is very similar to the Lycoming O-320 but is a 1960's variant, Lycoming O-340 build by Lycoming specifically for the Navion twin aircraft. (They only manufactured this engine for about 8 years and was replaced by the O-360).   My engine is a totally rebuilt engine with zero time on it.   It has slightly higher compression and cylinder size than the 0-320 and is rated 140 HP.  The engine performed very well and was showing an indicated airspeed of 158 knots.  Compensating for temperature and altitude on this day the true airspeed was 180 knots.  This is right where I was hoping to see  my speeds.

One of my friends agreed to be my safety person to watch over me in case of issues where my wife might have to be notified, thankfully there was no need.  The flight lasted 2.2 hours and was recorded by my Mode S Dynon transponder to FlightAware.  During the complete time of my test flight I was under the surveillance of Calgary Class C airspace radar persons.  The flight went quite well but my landings were very bad, the first a 2 bounce go around the second a 2 bounce go around and the third a 1 bounce that  sent me 45 degrees off runway stopping in the grass.  After 6 years flying my Quickie Q2 I had some ingrained landing habits I needed to get rid of.  In short this was the tendency to keep pulling back on the stick in landing to pin the tailwheel of the Quickie.  This aircraft requires a flatter approach in ground effect to lessen any tendency to cause the airframe to balloon me back up after touchdown.  More details will be given in a upcoming post.